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About us

WayBack is a non-profit foundation that works for inmates
return to society.

We focus on coordinating the relationships between various agencies such as NAV, educational institution, doctor, drug addiction care etc.
This means that the transition to freedom is facilitated for the individual on his and her own terms.
Our objectives are that inmates who are to be released get a better basis for building a crime- and drug-free life if they are motivated to do so.
We want to help those who come out after completing their sentence so that they have an easier transition into society and do not return to crime and drug addiction.

“As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn’t leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I’d still be in prison.”

– Nelson Mandela

WayBack for whom?

If you are serving time and are about to be released – or have recently been released – and you have decided that you want to live a life free of drug abuse and crime, WayBack may be for you.
We believe that everyone can change if conditions are put in place and one learns to take responsibility for one’s own choices and actions. We believe that everyone has a responsibility for their own life, even if the conditions are different.
We have formulated it as follows:

Your choices – your freedom – your responsibility.

You are the skipper of your own life.
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“I had messed things up so badly, and burned all relationships and bridges – so when it was finally my turn to use the phone in prison, I had no one to call. Even the family didn’t want to know about me.”

– “Hans”

What are we doing?

As a member, you will get a WayBack sponsor whose job it is to facilitate the path from prison into society as best as possible together with the released person.
It is about coordinating the relationship between you and agencies such as the social services office, NAV, educational institution, doctor, substance abuse treatment etc., so that the transition out is as easy as possible. Active planning usually starts 4-5 months before release. (Cf. Notification to the Storting 37- “return guarantee”)
By being part of responsibility groups, the sponsor becomes a good supporter. The sponsors accompany our members from day to day and are available both as conversation partners and companions.
They often take part in meetings with public agencies (or others) and provide great expertise in most of the problems that follow the change process from crime to law-abiding and/or from prison to freedom.
Having gone through this process of change ourselves, and since managed to establish themselves as law-abiding citizens, we believe that they are good examples that it works, and that there is a place for all of us here in society.
In this way, we want to motivate others to follow in our footsteps, but then according to their own wishes and dreams!

The sponsoring scheme

All our members are assigned a sponsor.
A godfather enters the prison and visits the inmates.
A sponsor has a background from serving time in prison.
A sponsor focuses on a law-abiding drug-free life and what it takes to live it.
A sponsor provides extensive experience and expertise in correctional care and network building.
A sponsor does not explain away or excuse drug addiction and crime. He/she is aware that it is something everyone chooses and can opt out of. Through such an approach, everyone can take control of their own lives, even if the conditions are different.
A sponsor should not come with ready-made solutions.
A sponsor must listen and at the same time be clear about drugs and crime.
A sponsor should help give hope, even if it looks hopeless.
A sponsor is a comrade and must try to bring clarity to what is needed for life to take a turn away from drugs and crime. But a sponsor can only contribute when the inmate/released person has made their choice – when that person says “I want to change my life”, then the sponsor can be there. Not to conduct therapy, but to be a fellow human being and a bridge builder.
A sponsor must be able to say no at an early stage. Not no to being a fellow human being, who understands and sees, but no to all lies, excuses and excuses for continued addiction and crime.
For sponsors, this may mean opting out of some of those who ask for help, but the sponsors must be absolutely ready to distance themselves from paths that lead to more drug use and crime.
After all, it is the inmate/released person who has to make the most difficult choice: Do I want to quit?

“Our aim is that former convicts are integrated into society and working life, and thus manage to become active and responsible citizens.”

– Johan Lothe, WayBack Oslo



We want to help those who come out after completing their sentence have an easier transition into society and do not return to crime and drug addiction. We believe that everyone can change if conditions are put in place and one learns to take responsibility for one’s own choices and actions.





We believe that everyone can change if conditions are put in place and one learns to take responsibility for one’s own choices and actions.


We believe that everyone has a responsibility for their own life, even if the conditions are different. We have formulated it as follows: Your choices – your freedom – your responsibility. By this we mean that it is you who should be in control of your life.





WayBack Oslo is a non-profit foundation that works for inmates’ return to society. We focus on coordinating the relationships between various agencies such as the social welfare office, NAV, educational institution, doctor, substance abuse treatment etc. so that the transition to freedom is facilitated for the individual on his and her terms. Our objectives are that inmates who are to be released get a better basis for building a crime- and drug-free life if they are motivated to do so.



Would you like to volunteer at WayBack?

Take part in a leisure activity that provides content and meaning.
You must be motivated and have a genuine desire to contribute.
Our volunteers themselves say that this is not an activity where only the volunteers contribute.
Our members are great people who also have a lot to give back.
Expectations for volunteers who work for WayBack are the same as for the sponsors, but do not need to have a prison sentence or to have been drug-free for a whole year.
WayBack is looking for you who are young or old, female or male, unemployed or in a permanent job.
Du vil være en del av vårt miljø på huset og er også sentral i utvikling og deltakelse på våre aktiviteter. Kanskje du har spesialkompetanse på et område du har lyst til å dele med oss?
Vi stiller ingen krav til hvor ofte du må møte eller hvor mye du må bidra. Godt humør og evne til å kommunisere er dine beste verktøy.
Det handler om å gi løslatte et trygt og rusfritt miljø/nettverk hvor de føler seg akseptert.
Synes du dette høres interessant ut, ta kontakt med det lokallaget som er aktuelt for deg.

Terms of membership

Our members have come to terms with past lives. They want to get out of crime and/or drug addiction. Responsibility for the change lies with the member. Wayback supports you along the way with expertise from your own “lived lives”. We all have different backgrounds and different experiences. By using the community together with our experience, we form the basis for a collaboration that strengthens our common goals: A life without drugs and crime
In WayBack, all members and everyone who is in our premises or participates in activities organized by WayBack are drug-free and not criminally active. As a member of WayBack, you live honestly. You will change your life and get away from a life of crime and abuse. This means that you do not commit criminal acts, and that you are honest with others and yourself to the best of your ability. You strive to be a role model for others in the same situation as yourself.

Companionship and Solidarity

Som WayBack-medlem bryr du deg om ditt eget og andres ve og vel. Du respekterer dine medmennesker. Det betyr at du til gjengjeld har mange som bryr seg om deg og som respekterer dine tanker og følelser! Når du er fadder, er du i akutte tilfeller tilgjengelig 24 timer i døgnet.
Du stiller opp for dine venner. Solidaritet er også å stille solidarisk opp i stiftelsens arbeid. Som medlem hjelper du stiftelsen gjennom å være aktiv og engasjert. Du arbeider ideelt og gir av din tid til WayBack etter beste formående.
Slik skaper vi en kjede av solidaritet som gjennomsyrer hele organisasjonen.

We are all representatives of WayBack

The foundation is judged by how its members behave. We must live as we teach others to live, in an honest life without crime and drug abuse. In all contexts, we must act in a way that honors the foundation.
Your own example is the most effective instrument there is to show our comrades the way to a life that works and at the same time guarantee our external credibility.